
Digital Engineering (Specific Project)  – BIM PAS1192.2 (Level 2 Maturity)

Harry wrote a DE/BIM specification for our project. The project risks include constructability of a complex and highly skewed bridge over a major Sydney railway. Harry considered the project risks and tailored a DE/BIM specification accordingly. Through specific detailing of how the DE/BIM specification was written, it enabled RMS to be able to get a lot more value out of the preferred tenderers whereby they offered to complete the entire 2.2km project in DE/BIM whereas the minimum requirement was for only a critical 200m section. His assistance in this procurement process ensured RMS not only got what we desired from the tenderers but exceeded the minimum requirements which has produced a great value for money outcome for the Project and for RMS.

Matt Pate Project Contract Manager


From the RMS Performance Report March 2020:

  • DE =Collaboration Score 9. Batt Group have demonstrated the acumen and attitudes required to ensure the success of the project. This was reflected in a mind set and culture of “best for project” values being a key driver in delivering the work. 

    Communication was at all times honest, collaborative and transparent with all key stakeholders. Suggestions and advice for improvement and innovation were pragmatic and provided value. 

  • People Management Score 9: The continuity of having the Director of Batt Group available for the entire detailed design phase has been greatly beneficial for the project with a high level of institutional knowledge maintained within the team. 

    The TfNSW project management of the design process has been made significantly more efficient and by the quality of the Batt Group’s advice and personnel. 

  • Standard of Service Score 9: The works undertaken in the period was DE management of the detailed design of approximately 68km of the Newell Highway.. 

    The effort, detail and high level subject matter knowledge led to an overall well run project and engaged and driven design consultant. The contributions to constructability and clash detection are likely to be key theme adopted for other major projects as a result of the works by Batt Group. 

  • Time Management Score 8: The Services were delivered in accordance with Milestones and the Date for Completion and in assisting to keep the design consultant on track. 

    Batt Group met all requirements for reviews of documents and designs. There were regular updates and discussion of any issues affecting overall project milestones.

  • Overall score 81%. 

    Edward Paas RMS Project Manager


Develop a DE– BIM Specification (Organisation Use) 

Harry Batt has extensive experience in major projects design management and project management and also information management. These areas are key to his preparation of the DE design specification for use by RMS TPS division. He also carried out thorough consultation with projects such as W2B on the Pacific Hwy, TfNSW DE Framework team and the industry. He has incorporated all these things into a well-balanced DE design specification.

Feedback from the industry on the DE design specification for major transport infrastructure by Harry Batt is very positive.

Harry is also engaged by RMS to design and provide training for use of the DE design specification, which also includes basic awareness of DE. 

Harry is very thorough, researches very well, applies international best practice, consults carefully and applies his practical knowledge of design into everything that he does.

David Heins Development and Delivery Support Manager


Training in Constructability Analysis and Safety in Design

Harry Batt was engaged as a specialist subject matter expert who was a key person on RMS’s team that developed and documented the HSiD system now used across all RMS TPS division’s major projects across the state. Further, Harry Batt was one of two specialist trainers of the HSiD system that was taken to the regions. 

He has extensive experience in major infrastructure projects as project manager and design manager with site experience, all of which are essential to properly apply constructability and HSiD principles and practice and to train others. He also facilitates workshops in constructability and HSiD. 

Harry has also reviewed and recommended updates to the RMS constructability process. Similar to his HSiD work this has been high quality.

He has extensive experience in NSW government procurement and project management.

Feedback on the HSiD system, HSiD training, HSiD and constructability workshops have demonstrated very high value for money outcomes. Through his extensive experience he provides significant support to project managers to achieve safe, efficient and practical design and to manage their risk. 

David Heins Development and Delivery Support Manager

Combined Safety in Design (HSiD) and Constructability Workshop – Facilitation

Harry’s engagement with both RMS staff and the Consultant Designers was exceptional from the planning of the workshop phase, through to the actual full day workshop and delivery of the workshop report. Harry (unlike many other workshop facilitators) was extremely engaging and used various methods to extract and get the best out of all the reviewers and participants that attended the workshop. His experience in Major projects meant that he was not only able to facilitate but also help guide conversations on technical matters.

Matt Pate Project Contract Manager

Work Health and Safety In Design – Workshop Facilitation

Harry was engaged to facilitate a work health and safety in design (HSiD) workshop for the Reconfiguration of Croom Regional Sporting Complex which involved construction of a new cricket/AFL oval, reconfiguration of existing junior rugby league fields, construction of new grass netball courts, construction of two new amenities buildings, installation of sewer to the complex, relocation of high voltage power lines new roads and new car park areas.

Harry ensured that we were all prepared for the workshop with a meeting prior to the workshop as well as a site visit prior to the workshop. He facilitated the workshop and coordinated groups during the site inspection.

His input particularly in regards to constructability issues, ongoing maintenance and demolition issues was invaluable.  His background with sewer works and other work that RMS as a road authority does not normally undertake meant that all involved felt that all areas of design, construction, maintenance and demolition were well covered.

Harry also wrote the final report for the Health and Safety in Design workshop as well as reviewed our risk table produced during the workshop.

Facilitation of the workshop went well considering that there were a range of participants from the design, construction and maintenance side. There were architects and council maintenance staff all present and Harry was able to speak at different levels appropriate to their particular areas of concern.

I would recommend Harry for further health safety and design work.

Anna Cook Project Manager / Engineer


Norfolk Island Roads Audit, Design, Contract Writing and Construction Supervision 

Harry’s advice was invaluable both to the Commonwealth and the Norfolk Island Regional Council.  He was able to instruct and encourage the works team on Norfolk Island and provide a number of innovations that assisted the team in their work.

He provided excellent technical review of designs and assisted the Commonwealth in preparing tender documentation. He reviewed the Commonwealth’s information including their safety and management plans, works programme, plant and materials list and labour expectations.  During construction he responded to RFIs and worked cooperatively with the contractor to improve their knowledge and understanding of this kind of work.

I personally valued Harry’s excellent technical advice, his calm outlook in often difficult situations, his enthusiasm to do the best possible job and his flexibility and willingness to provide the best possible outcome for the Commonwealth.

As mentioned, the works were completed on time and within budget providing an excellent outcome for the people of Norfolk Island which has not only upgraded their road network but provided the skills for the Norfolk Islanders to complete similar jobs independently in the future.

Steve Percival Project Manager DoIRDC

Specification writing: RMS standard consultant briefs.

Harry’s knowledge and commitment were essential to the accurate and timely delivery of the  RMS's Professional Services Specifications set of design briefs.

His industry knowledge was invaluable as an input, and his experience as an employee of RMS’s predecessor provided unique balance to understanding requirements from the government’s perspective.

He has a deep knowledge of road and bridge design covering all stages from initial strategic concept to final detailed design and tender documentation and all facets including road design, structures, geotech, traffic and safety.

Harry also has highly developed BIM knowledge and would be invaluable to a project designed and managed in a BIM environment.

Overall Harry has highly developed skills in planning, analysis and assurance and provides strong leadership and support in his work.

 I would recommend Harry for this role without reservation.

David Blackmore Senior Project Manager